Donna Scott Blog (Archives)

The Buggery Act and Homosexuality in the 17th Century

The Buggery Act and Homosexuality in the 17th Century

By: Donna Scott

October 26, 2020
In Shame the Devil, Alston suffers horribly. As a young boy, he is confronted with feelings that are deemed unnatural and sinful. His Puritan upbringing insists that everything he thinks, feels, and knows about himself is the product of evil. However, once he meets...
Who Do You Believe?

Who Do You Believe?

By: Donna Scott

October 20, 2020
The argument about which news sources are the most fact-filled or truthful is an old one. During the English Civil War, propaganda was used as a valuable tool to sway countrymen to support one side or the other—the Royalists or the Parliamentarians. Various newbooks...
Villain or Martyr?

Villain or Martyr?

By: Donna Scott

September 21, 2020
During the reign of King Charles I, the country is divided into two factions—the Royalists (or Cavaliers) who support the king and the Parliamentarians (or Roundheads) who oppose him. It’s a dangerous time in England, for brother has turned against brother and stating...